
Location, Location!

When you are about to embark on a journey towards a new story —no matter of what length—, you have a lot to think about. 
 If you are like me, ideas for new stories pop up at the most random times: while taking a shower, while trying to go to sleep or already dreaming, on the subway, while watching people at the library or restaurant … and if you are smarter than me, you jot down each of your ideas in a few words instead of pulling the cover over your head and thinking “Eh, I\’l remember it when I wake up.”
Yeah. That never works. -.
Have a small notebook next to your bed, quickly do a voice memo with your phone, whatever works for you.
To quote the wonderful Margaret & Helen: I mean it. Really.

In any case, your idea may already come with one or more of the main characters, a general plot line, and an idea about the time frame.

Now: What about your location?

If you write Fantasy (which I hardly do, so I am not the best person to ask about this), chances are that will make up some new realm or build on something that exists already and alter it to a point where it fits your story.

However, as a SciFi writer … well, actually, you are pretty much free to do what you want.
You can go crazy and invent an entirely new locality, city, country, world, universe … it’s entirely up to you! There are authors and stories out there that have done this SO successfully that I would not be surprised if some people think Battle School actually does exist.
Don\’t laugh, I\’ve seen worse 😛

I am one of those people who prefer to set her stories in locations that are real, and then make small changes to to reflect the reality of my story.
But why, you might ask, would you want to set your story in Washington, D.C., or in Venice, Italy, or in Beckley, WV (‘in the boonies’, as one of my friends calls pretty much every place outside D.C.) if you can invent a whole new, exciting and suer-futuristic world? (The Jetsons, anyone?)

I can see where you are coming from. However, just because you invent a totally new worlds will no guarantee a great story. On the contrary: I have read (or at least started to read) some stories that were so convoluted because the author had to explain every little detail that everything else pretty much disappeared. No matter how much I wanted to read the story, I just could not because there was no action, the plot didn’t move forward, the characters just didn’t develop. It was boring … it was a very sad day. (My dog thought so, too).



Allison Leotta, a former federal prosecutor, sets her Anna Curtis Series in D.C., and it speaks to her readers. People that live or work here and read the books can identify with the places: Capitol Hill, metro stations, landmarks … it’s really great!

Donna Leon, one of my favorite authors, has her Commisario Brunnetti series set in Venice, Italy. Despite the fact that I don’t live in Venice and have only been there once, I can totally identify with the city and surrounding areas because she describes it so vividly (and also provides a map of Venice in each book, which helps). Ask me where the #1 Vaparetto takes you and I am sure I’ll know the answer 🙂

The very first novel of my very good friend Timewalkerauthor is set in/around Beckley, WV. Chances are, you have never heard of that little town, but it gives the novel character that just cannot be ignored.

So, while I am not saying that inventing a new location is bad, I think that an existing location has the power to draw in your readers and to make them feel comfortable. There’s nothing better than listening to some people telling you about their favorite novels and saying things like “And you know, there was a scene at L’Enfant Plaza metro station (or any other place locals are familiar with) that I simply loved! It was so real and I could picture it so very well!”

P.S. Just in case you are curious now: my debut novel is set in D.C. (what a surprise, right)

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